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Are you not sure about what can be the worst advice for new parents? 

Still finding words to, What not to say to new parents? 

Then you have come to the right blog. Scroll down to know more about what should not be said to new parents. 

Worst advice for new parents

Suggested Read 

Questions not to ask a new mom ? 

23 Worst Advice For New Parents You Should Refrain From Offering It 

Many people find it difficult to communicate with new parents. Below are list of questions you should never ask a new parent and embarrass them. 


Don’t Sleep With Your Partner For 40 Days, This Advice Is An Utter Craze 

This is a terrible idea for new parents. Motherhood requires a lot of support from the husband. A new mom needs help with the baby. If you won’t allow her to partner with her, you are denying that mental support from him. So please don’t listen to such unsolicited advice and love your partner even more in this period. 


Enjoy Every Moment Of Being A Mom Before This Period Is Gone  

Pregnancy and postpartum is a hormonally chaotic condition for women. How can you expect her to enjoy her turbulent stage? She is happy for her newborn but please understand her fatigue state too. If she is stressed and angry then try to calm her down .Don’t give her impractical advice.  


Holding The Baby For Too Long Will Make Him Not So Strong 

Every parent is excited about their new blossoms. Don’t destroy their enthusiasm for being parents. There is no evidence for the fact that holding a baby will make them weak. Shoo off this advice on your visit. 


Bathe The Baby With Saffron Milk, He Will Get A Glowed Skin 

Saffron makes skin glow, we all know. But the melanocytes of the newborn are not too powerful to react with saffron. The baby will develop her skin color naturally. There is no need to worry about it. Do not make the new parent conscious of a petty thing. 


Your Wife Just Delivered, Now For 40 days She Is Untouchable

Many cultures have this belief that a woman after delivery becomes impure. She should not be touched. They are forced to wear footwear even at home as their feet can’t touch the ground. I, as a doctor, don’t recommend this advice. The impure blood is removed at the time of delivery. 


Eat More And More, To Increase Your Breast Milk To and From  

Eating healthy food will increase your milk supply, no doubt. But overeating will increase your digestion problems to a great extent. Avoid telling a new mom or new dad to make her partner eat for two. 


Your Baby Completed One Month, At Last, Plan A Second One Fast 

This is the most common advice given to new parents. Let them first enjoy the growth of their first ones. Raising a child is difficult. Family planning is their choice and priority. Leave the decision to new parents whether they want a second child or not. Avoid giving unsolicited suggestions to new parents 


Don’t Put On A Lot Of Weight, Your Husband Will Find Another Mate 

Mommies tend to gain weight after delivery. It differs from woman to woman. They are already aware of their weight gain. Don’t advise them to lose weight as their baby needs nutrition in this crucial phase. This is funny but bad advice for new parents.  Support them by telling them how beautiful they are even being heavy. 


Your Baby Is Not Healthy, Do Some X, Y, Z Religious Formality 

Commenting on babies’ weight is a civil duty of many relatives. They will judge the baby’s weight according to their knowledge. Avoid giving spiritual advice on weight because it’s a natural process. Refrain from advising their pediatrician will guide them in a better way. 


Avoid Sleeping With Your Baby, This Will Teach Them About In- Dependency 

(1-month baby, seriously??) 

Doctors recommend avoiding sleeping with babies for just one reason. In many cases the female sleeps on the baby in their sleep or the baby might be choked up while drinking milk. But sleeping with a baby is a personal choice. If they can handle their baby even in their sleep then don’t advise vice versa.


You Should Make Your Baby Smell You Often, The Love Bond Will Ripen  

This advice comes from elders especially. When I was working in maternity wards , new parents were advised to make their baby smell. There is no evidence that it will make love bonds strong. But this act is unhygienic for sure. A newborn baby has less immunity. By doing this the baby might get infections. Avoid it.


 Your Baby Should Be Your Priority, Now You Should Forget Relationship Privacy

 ( intimacy) 

Again sexual intimacy is the couple’s choice. Gynecologists are there to guide the couples. Don’t teach a couple when and where they can be intimate. This is the worst advice given to new parents. Avoid telling them , let it be a private affair.


If You Work A Lot, Who Will Take Care Of The Baby’s Scheduled Slot  

Many females forget that they have a newborn to handle and get engrossed in household chores. It’s like an antagonist statement. If new Moms are busy with kids then society pinpoints on home duties. If you do the opposite then still you will be judged. Keep it simple, don’t pay heed to such advice. 


Breastfeed Him Every Hour, Though He Might Be Contented, You Go A Bit Far 

New moms are considered as Milky-Vans to people. This is the most common advice given to moms. If he is crying, feed him. If she is looking at you, feed her. If they are sleeping, feed them, as they are sleeping and are small to understand that they are hungry. Please give a break to new moms. Stop giving her unsolicited advice, as a doctor myself I strictly prohibit you from giving such suggestions. 


Your Baby Is Not Potty Trained Well, He Is Just One Year Old, But You Should Tell!!! 

There are a lot of moms who are anxious and excited to teach their baby about the potty period.  But you can’t expect a newborn to clean his stools all by herself. Please avoid such useless advice to a new parent. Every being on this earth will eventually learn about cleanliness at its given time. The stone age men knew about it. Please refrain on commenting about washrooms. 


Rest When The Baby Is In Bed, But See To It He Is Properly Fed( get up even when he sleeps to feed him? Where is resting then? ) 

 Many mummies are given advice on taking a break when the baby sleeps. But after they sleep people advise them on feeding patterns. Why is a new mom not free to decide what she wants to do when the baby sleeps? She can take a mini break from mom duties and scroll the mobile. She can even finish a small task before the baby gets up. Let her decide and don’t suggest the same. 


Press The Baby’s Ears, Eyes, And Nose While Bathing, This Is The Way The Baby Will Be Growing 

This is common advice in India . People think when you press the nose and eyes or fontanelles it grows rapidly. It is a myth. As a doctor I advise you to not pay heed to such suggestions. It is not medically correct. Don’t experiment on your newborn, listen to doctors only. 


Start Rice Water Before The Baby Is Six Months Old, Don’t Listen To The Doctor He Doesn’t Know 

Yes , rice water advice I had heard when my baby was one month old. Do not give any food to your baby till six months. Only breastfeeding is sufficient. If your baby cries a lot consult a certified doctor. Rice water at an early age will harm your baby. Though people give you weird suggestion but turn deaf ears on them.   


Eat Ghee In Everything New Momma, You Have To Be A Fountain Of Milk, What A Trauma! 

As a doctor I recommend ghee to new mamas. But not in excess. Having an ounce and an ounce of ghee will increase cholesterol levels. It won’t benefit mom as well as baby. So please refrain from suggesting stuff which you are not aware of . Ghee no doubt is a fat cutter but it increasing Breast milk is a myth. 


Listen To This Listen To That, I Have Raised My Son Dear Daughter In Law You Better Obey What Is Said  

In India Many women are given this advice especially from their mother in laws. Little did they know this time is to support and guide a new mom. Instead of giving them advice they should teach them about motherhood. They should share their knowledge and experience to motivate new moms. This will make a new moms life’s easy. 


Clasp Your Stomach With A Band, Else Your Stomach Will Bulge Out Like A Swan 

As the baby comes out post delivery there is sagging of abdominal muscles. If you are a new mom, people will advise you to tie a cloth or band on your tummy to fix this issue. If this was the case every woman in this world would have a flat tummy by just tying a cloth. 


Stuff Your Ears With Cotton Balls, Air Will Fill In Your Tummy Wall 

This is a popular scenario in maternity wards. The new mom is advised to put cotton balls in their ears. They have to listen as they have no choice of their own. This is the worst advice given which is not scientifically proven too.  


Baby Is Crying Like Hell, Her Clavicle Is Shifted Down, The Massage Woman Said 

This advice I got  in my personal experience. I was shocked when, being a doctor like me, heard it for my newborn. This is a myth as my baby had stomach issues. The massage women give weird advice to new parents. Avoid listening to them. 

I hope you loved these set of questions that can unknowingly affect new parents negatively. Which questions were you asked as a new parent. Do comment in section below.  Follow Mommiemantra for more useful suggestions about parenting.