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Deciding which vegan milk to feed your baby? Looking for which vegan milk is best for babies?

Well, as a Doctor and a mum to a 4-year-old let me help you pick the most delicious plant based milk for babies.

which vegan milk to feed your baby

Thinking About Which Vegan Milk to Feed Your Baby? Looking for the Most Wholesome Plant Based Milk Suggestions For Your Child? 

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Pick Rice Milk as a Wonderful Way to Introduce Calcium to your Child’s Growth 

Young children grow quickly. A baby’s developing bones require calcium.

A good source of calcium is rice milk. As a doctor, I suggest giving babies older than 6 months rice milk in the form of porridge or desserts. 


With the Creaminess of Coconut Milk, Your Child’s Fiber Intake Will Always Be Balanced! 

Coconut milk is high in fats and a good source of fiber. It has nutrients that help newborns’ brains to develop.

It promotes the baby’s skin health and helps with digestion. Being a doctor I recommend coconut milk to be given after 12 months as it can cause allergies. 


Energy levels are extremely high with Oat milk, Your child cannot afford to miss it! 

Confused about oat milk to feed for your baby ? For young children, oat milk is simple to digest.  I recommend using oat milk less or with other milk as it lacks calcium. 

It needs to be vitamin-fortified before usage. Babies can consume this milk in the form of oatmeal, cookies, and smoothies after their baby is a year old. 


Nuttylicious Creamy Milk Is Almond, Your Kids Will Benefit From It, For The Long Run 

Almond milk is rich in Vitamin D and calcium. Children are active much in the toddler stage where they explore different things.

But as it lacks protein, this milk is not the ideal choice for infants. You can add this milk to vegetable purees to make it more healthy. 


Soy Milk Contains Protein Along With Essential Nutrients, It’s Good For Your Child Dear Parents 

Soy milk can be given after 6 months of age. As the child is growing so is its eyesight. Soy milk contains Vitamin A along with protein and useful nutrients.

As an expert, I would prefer soy milk for my baby. It can be given mixed in formula milk or added to porridges. 


Made Of Yellow Pearls But Highly Nourishing, Rich In Iron, Pea Milk It is !!  

It is creamy and delicious. As a doctor, Pea milk is recommended only after 12 months. It is rich in potassium and calcium.

Pea milk can be given with fruits too. Your baby requires nutrition for proper growth so include this milk in their diet. 


Peanut Milk Has Higher Protein Content, Satisfying Hunger Pangs For Infants 

Peanuts as you all know are rich in energy and Vitamin E.  I suggest Peanut milk be introduced after 6 months. Smash some peanuts with some bananas or smoothies.

Your baby’s tummy will be filled for a longer time with this milk. 


Hazelnut Milk Is All Worth, It Has Nutritional Elements That You Might Have Not Heard 

Hazelnut milk is rich in Vitamin A. It is good for the eyesight of babies.

As a doctor’s mom, I have given this milk to my baby as it increases iron content. It can be given as a dessert or a smoothie. Your baby will love it.


Walnut Milk Helps in Developing Child’s Brain, With Proper Nutrition Expertise, Parents Get Yourself Trained 

If your baby has sleeping issues, especially at night, Walnut milk is the best.

Another reason to give this milk is to control the weight of your toddler. Walnut milk can be consumed after 1 year.


Sunflower Seed Milk Is An Unique Option, It’s Super Tasty And Healthy Amongst All Of Them  

Sunflower seed milk is super delicious and easy to make. It is rich in vitamin B 6 which helps in boosting the memory of infants. 

This milk can be given after one year only. You can use it in smoothies and granola bars too. 


Rich In Fiber, Brown As Base, Flax Seed Milk Is Best In Many Ways 

Flax seed milk is unsweetened in taste. It can be added to breast milk and given to babies after 6 months.

It is rich in fiber so it helps in digestion. Flax seed milk should be considered for the overall development of your baby.  


Pistachio Milk Is Green In Color, It Will Make Your Infants More Stronger 

Pistachio milk is another healthy option. It can be made by crushing them with water. It helps in digestion.

Pistachio milk can be given only after one year. It’s better to make this milk at home , as it is a little costlier commercially.  


Corn Milk Is All Time Favorite, It is Highly Nutritive  

Corn milk can be given after 6 months of age. It is good for improving vision in babies.

It has a peculiar sweet that is liked by babies. Your baby will love it for sure.  


Spelt Milk Is Nutritious You see , It Is Good For Cognitive Development You see 

Spelt milk is a form of wheat. Its richness in fiber and carbohydrates make it healthy for babies.

It can be started from 6 months of age. Spelt milk can be introduced in the form of porridges initially. 


Creamy and yellow in color it is, Lupin milk is super delicious  

It is a type of soybean. It’s rich in protein. Lupin milk helps in digestion in infants.

It is made by pressing yellow soybeans in water. It is recommended after 1 year in babies. 


Cowpea Milk Is Rich In Iron, It’s Packed With Nutrition For Your Little Bun 

Cowpea milk is derived from legumes. Cowpea milk is good for your immunity system.

It’s packed up with calcium which is helpful for your baby’s bones.  You can start after 6 months of age. 


Sesame Milk Is The Right Choice, For Your Growing Girls And Handsome Boys 

Sesame Milk is rich in calcium for growing bones of infants. It is a good choice to feed growing infants.

It has power packed content to be nutritious to the core. 


Hemp Milk Is Creamy And Rich In Texture, Is One Of The Useful Milk Option For Your Little Master 

Hemp milk is good for skin health. It is rich in calcium for growing the bones of your baby.

It can be started after one year of age. But do not boil this milk as all the nutrients will vanish off. 


The Small Tiny Seed Milk Is Rich in nutrition, Your Baby Will Thrive At Life’s Junction 

Quinoa milk is a power packed milk filled with a lot of nutrition. It is highly rich in calcium. Good for babies after 6 months of age. By the way, this vegan milk option can be consumed by new moms as well.

I hope you found a lot of choices for the question – Which vegan milk to feed your baby! Let me know in the comments section if you picked any plant based milk from my list.