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Are you having difficulty making a decision about what not to wear in office when pregnant? 

After all , it is a time consuming process to choose attire for work in those precious 9 months. 

As a Doctor  and mum myself, I have come up with a list of clothes not recommended for work during pregnancy. Scroll till the end. 

What not to wear during office when pregnant?

23 noteworthy listings of  What not to wear during office when pregnant? 

Want to look good during pregnancy at work? 

Are you unclear about maternity clothes? To choose maternity wear at work without hassle, keep these tips in mind. 

1) Jumpsuits are an absolute no-no in any of your trimesters 

Jumpsuits will consume a lot of time during washroom rounds. It will make you uncomfortable. It is advised not to wear it at the office. 

2) Wearing tight clothes during pregnancy must be avoided

During your pregnancy there are increased chances of breathing issues. To make your breathing easy opt for loose and simple blouses.

3) Short skirts should not be encouraged during pregnancy 

Your baby bump will tend to shorten your skirt more. Resist from flaunting skirts that are too short to avoid oops moments. 

4) Minimize wearing clothing that is too tight as a new would-be mom 

Tight clothing will suffocate more at office hours. It will increase perspiration too. Hence avoid tight-fitting clothing during pregnancy. 

5) Short Shirts should be approached with caution after your third month of expectancy 

After your first-trimester baby bump will be quite visible. It’s better to go for long shirts to accommodate your baby with ease. 

6) Stay away from extra loose apparel when you are pregnant 

Expecting women do make a huge mistake while selecting extra-large sizes.  Choose clothes that are ill-fitting to escape from a baggy look. 

7) Leather or denim a strict no on your Wishlist while expecting 

Office work is 7-8 hours of work. Leather fabric will make you feel uneasy and exhausting. Refrain from wearing new mommies. 

8) Throw away clothes that make you sweat during pregnancy 

Refrain from wearing clothes made of synthetic, chiffon materials. It will increase perspiration. Mommies will fatigue at work in such outfits. 

9) High heels are not recommended during pregnancy at work

High heels are not good for Prego’s and their babies. They can cause accidents and tripping incidents. Avoid wearing them at work. 

10) Garments that are not favorable to routine temperatures 

Select attire that is good for the climatic changes. If not then there will be stickiness all throughout. This will increase skin infections. 

11) It is important to throw out  incorrectly sized brassieres from your wardrobe

Choose an appropriate size padded bra at work. Don’t let your motherhood chic office look get ruined by the wrong size of bra. 

12) Avoid clothes with a lot of zippers and buttons

Unnecessary zippers will create havoc during morning sickness. It will give you a tight feel. Select button-free clothes for work. 

13) Avoid wearing tight and compact jeans 

Compressed jeans will increase pressure on your abdomen. There will be an increase in perspiration. Hence compact jeans are unadvisable.

14) Do not opt for pants or skirts that are not flexible

Look for pants that are comfortable for your waistline. Go for an elastic waistline. This will decrease abdominal pressure too. 

15) Refrain from buying pricey clothing because your body will alter drastically during pregnancy 

There is a tremendous bodily change you will face during pregnancy. Avoid expensive outfits as they won’t match your growth changes. 

16) During pregnancy, refrain from wearing larger-sized clothing 

Oversized outfits will make you more uncomfortable. Go for loose and not extra loose ones.  Stick to your size.

17) Choosing the wrong size of shoes during pregnancy might lead to accidents 

You will have to run corners at the office. Prefer accurate size comfortable shoes when expecting. It will avoid accidents too. 

18) Do not forget to wear your support bands in your second trimester at the office 

Support bands are to prevent backaches during pregnancy. You will require them for long shifts when pregnant at work.

19)  Avoid clothes which require a belt to complete the attire 

Your tummy size increases gradually during pregnancy. A belt will lead to compression in your abdomen . This can make you feel uncomfortable and harm your baby.

20) If you’re shopping for clothes during your pregnancy, don’t listen to unsolicited advice 

Mamahood is a period when you will receive much-unasked advice. Be wise and select attire that is best for your work, mommies .

21) It is better to stop wearing garments that have not been washed 

Dirty clothes will increase the risk of yeast and fungal infections. There is skin sensitivity during pregnancy. Wear clean washed clothes.

22)  When you’re a mom, don’t wear a lot of makeup to the job 

Subtle look goes well with casual wear. Let your mommy glow while talking. You don’t need a lot of artificial glint at work, do you? 

23) Why not wear new clothes during pregnancy at the office? 

Your body will alter dramatically each month as your baby grows. As a result, new garments should be avoided because there will be weight changes following delivery. 

Before I close my write up, some FAQs ( frequently asked questions) to select the correct maternity outfit.

       1. Why should clothing with a lot of buttons and zippers be avoided? 

– Clothes with zippers and buttons make it difficult for emergency washroom visits during pregnancy. Hence should be avoided. 

      2.  Why are compact jeans not advised during pregnancy?  

-They cause undue pressure to abdominal muscles. This can be harmful to your fetus. Hence avoid wearing tight jeans. 

     3.   Can I wear velvet or satin clothes during pregnancy at work? 

–  Please refrain from wearing it. It may result in excessive sweating . Fabric does have an impact on pregnancy.

Consider being comfy rather than trendy and attractive for a spell. Allowing your comfort to drive your decision will ensure that you have no trouble finding the best attire for your pregnancy days, even for work.

Craving to see your Mommie mantras and experience at work new moms. Do share it in the comment box for future moms to learn from them.