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Eager to post your baby bump pictures, before the baby comes out! Frantically you are scanning the internet for the Third trimester Instagram Captions.

Sit back, take a deep breath, and check out some adorable, funny, and trendy third-trimester captions and baby bump captions to rock your pictures on social media.

Third trimester Instagram Captions

109 Adorable And Witty Third Trimester Instagram Captions

Slay It With These Stupendous Baby Bump Captions

My baby bump needs to look equally sexy as I’m! After all, I have got the cutest, most adorable, and sweetest bun in my oven. Awwww!


I already made him pack the baby bag twice and made a run to the hospital both times. Oops! False alarm. Now I can’t even make out how going into actual labor would feel like…


I have gotten so used to baby bump attention that I am afraid I’ll miss it once the baby is out!


My clothes shopping thoughts these days are like… a beautiful, comfortable, supercool, modish outfit to complement my baby bump.


Tada, my wardrobe is full of oversized clothes now. Because my belly is full of babies (twins).


I forgot how it felt to be alone… There’s a real human baby growing inside me, that now keeps rolling and squirming.


Me in my third trimester… waking up each day feeling rounder and rounder.


Another few weeks to go and oh! gosh how much I am going to miss my baby bump.


40+2 days up and still no labor… just hanging in here to see how much longer I can go!


You are going to be out soon, and I can’t stop clicking my baby bump selfies…


Bumps come in different shapes and sizes but each one carries a special delivery.


Looking at my baby bump and wondering, we finally pulled it together.


In a few weeks from now, I am gonna miss my belly bump table… 


I have cravings… and yet I am always starving!! Pregnancy can be confusing…


Pregnant women are the world’s first 3D printers.


People ask me ‘why so hot?’… Silly, because I’m pregnant.


I can eat as much as I want to, and I can pass gas at the same time without embarrassing myself. Being pregnant, after all, has its perk!


This one’s the best… I can puke all day without being intoxicated!


I can’t wear my pants… I can’t shave my legs… O’wait, I can’t see anything below my bump.


Baby bumps are adorable. But thank god they aren’t permanent!


My baby bump is like I’m inflated. But the kind that won’t be easy to deflate like a balloon.


You are now a bigger belly with a bigger heart.


Naps are so tempting if only I can get the position right!


Yay! My baby bump is 30 weeks old today. Celebrating the countdown.


Enjoying the attention while I still can.


You make me believe in the miracle of life. (touching your baby bump belly)


Someone here is adding to my glow.


The only comfort of a bigger baby bump that I am going to miss is placing my teacup without spilling it.


Baby, you and I slayed it at the maternity photoshoot. We totally rock!


If you can hear me baby ‘please be out in time.’ 


Adorable and Witty 30 Weeks Pregnant Captions

My doctor’s ‘what to expect’ list for the third trimester: leg cramps, heartburn, constipation, disrupted sleep, bloating, swollen feet, and there is more…


This one is for people who look at me and say, ‘Oh my! Time flew by…’ Me, making faces and thinking ‘Did it, REALLY!’… Lol


It’s that time of pregnancy when everyone around me is prepping for the baby. I (sleeping) and making the most of my time before the baby arrives.


Last few weeks of my ‘me-time’… Once the baby is out, there would be no looking back!


The doctor warned my husband that mood disorder is not a myth… it gets real in the third trimester…


After all, you’ve put me through a foggy brain, sleepless nights, discomfort, backache, and stress. All I’ve to say is well-played pregnancy, well played!


I can’t stop wondering about the moment when I’ll hold you in my arms for the first time.


In a few weeks, it will be time to find out if I will go completely crazy in a couple of years or months…


It is our last holiday as a family of two… Next year join us awesome two! (pointing at your bump)


Soon it will be time to pee red in the pad. I will miss these nine months of no periods.


How I feel like getting into bed every night!


The other day I accidentally threw the tv remote… I said screw it! And slept on the couch listening to endless voices.


You know you are in your third trimester when you say goodbye to a comfortable position to sleep and everything you drop on the floor!


My brain mode: malfunctioning… I am thinking about food, sleep, and peeing at the same time.


Tell me any secret now, and it will stay within me forever… My pregnancy brain tends to forget everything that I need to remember! What was I saying..?


I am at that stage of pregnancy where it feels so close yet so far!


Why is it called ‘morning sickness’ when I feel sick in the afternoon, evening, middle of the night, and 24 hours a day?


I am in that phase of pregnancy where slip-ons are the best footwear and pillows are my best friend.


I have been yearning for a pregnancy craving service… any leads ladies?


So far I’ve nailed the six months of baby growing… how worse can it get? Oh no! I still cannot laugh without peeing in my pants.


I’m so addicted to watching baby birthing videos that I keep startling my bub with these weird voices and noises.


My chubby bubby has been keeping me on my toes shopping overtime for maternity clothes…


Every time I talk to my baby about a shopping trip, I get kicked in with excitement. Now, I’m sure it’s a baby girl!


I underestimated the meaning of pregnancy brain till forgetting things became a way of life.


What stage of third-trimester pregnancy are you on? I’m on the one where you binge-watch birthing videos and binge-cry.


The only other good thing, apart from my baby, pregnancy has done to me is, my boobs have grown bigger. Crazy hormones may not be that crazy after all!


Are you getting unsolicited advice on pregnancy do’s and don’ts? Your baby bump is growing and people cannot resist being midwives.


Did you know there are pregnancy pillows to cry into? I have an extra pair as the first pair is usually wet.


The 10-week countdown has begun. And I am super excited to be welcoming you into our life little one.


A slightly bigger bump and a little less time to finally meet the one from my oven.


Supercool Pregnancy Bump Captions For Instagram

I can’t even sleep hugging my pillow now… The bump always comes in between.


I’m so looking forward to a sound sleep… only if I can stop changing sides.


Sleeping with a baby bump is far more difficult than sleeping with a beer bump.


Checking my to-do list before I go into labor in a few weeks:

Visit the Salon 

Pack Hospital Bag 

My Baby Bump Photoshoot  ✔️


Pregnancy is a beautiful time, but not the kind that just flies by.


Waiting impatiently to see my baby… journey from the belly wrap to arm wrap.


Every bump is unique and so is the baby snuggled in it.


Someone told me to remain chill and enjoy my pregnancy. He walked away with a swollen eye!


You know you are in the third trimester when jeans, pants, pajamas no longer serve any purpose in your life, whatsoever!


He asked, how was my day today? Me: still pregnant!


I’ve decided to stay at home for the next few weeks. My belly can’t stop growing and so I’ve nothing to wear!


I don’t really know if it’s true that baby bump makes people smile… but it does get me some extra attention and rolling eyeballs… I’m lovin it!


Though not a bikini person, I’ve come to realize that the baby bump makes me look attractive. So, I decided to go in for a bikini baring bump photo shoot for my final trimester.


A four-year-old came up to me the other day and said, ‘my mommy told me that you have a baby inside your belly’… ‘Ummm, yes’ I smiled and said. ‘But I don’t understand how you ate the whole baby!’ he asked raising his eyebrows. Me: still trying to find an answer…


Before I conceived I used to talk to myself. People thought I was crazy. And now, 7 months into my pregnancy, I talk to my bub in the belly… People still think I’m crazy! Pregnancy, you had me big time…


I’m hot! yes, that I’m. But as of my current situation, I am sweating hot… all the time. Darn! I am pregnant.


Awww, I love how you are growing so big… and so fast… I mean every week…


It’s not just your belly that’s growing bigger dear mommy-to-be, your heart is also growing bigger. And that’s where all that extra love keeps pouring in for the little one whom you are yet to meet.


Since the time I have entered my third trimester, I keep bumping into bumps… baby bumps, beer bumps, simply fat bumps.


Week 30: The countdown is officially on!


If you see me again, don’t dare to ask me when the baby is due!


My baby bump is not public property. Stop being cheesy and touchy! And stay away jerks.


I once was graceful in my manners… and then I became pregnant!


On the days I sleep well without turning in the bed I feel something is not going right with my pregnancy. I immediately book an appointment with my gynae.


This is the only time when you’ll truly love your rounds and curves. Make the most of it!


Every bump is shaped differently but carries the same magic.


Our hearts are full and her belly is fuller.


Who must have thought of comparing the baby’s size to vegetables and fruits? A pregnant woman I guess! Food cravings can make you do the silliest of things. My baby has reached the size of a broccoli bunch… and yours?


He cannot keep his hands away from my baby bump. O’baby your dad has fallen in love with you!


Since my bump started coming in between everything I did, I have officially gone off home duties.


Third Trimester Baby Captions For your Baby Bump Pictures

Babies don’t come with a manual but they should at least be delivered with a reality-based pregnancy manual.


When everything that was simple to do before now seems complicated. Welcome to the third-trimester club darling!


Entering the third trimester of pregnancy be like ‘let’s get to the best part!’


At the rate my belly is growing I get scared what if I explode one day!


Like me, are you also wondering ‘there possibly can’t be any more space in there!’


Sometimes I feel that I am about to pop, and then I fart. And things are back to me being pregnant.


It’s nearly the end of my third trimester and I’m wondering, how on earth did I come so far…


My superpower is turning a pea into a watermelon… Ah, forget it, I’m pregnant!


Confused he asked ‘how can someone be crying, peeing, craving food, and shouting at the same time…’ ‘Have you ever been pregnant?’ I snapped… No!… Then just keep your mouth shut.


 There is no creative way of stretching your maternity wardrobe, only a comfortable way.


Bumpy rides are usually the most adventurous rides.


I kind of has fallen in love with my bump. Because it has the cutest, sweetest, and most precious one snuggled in.


Prepping up for a new chapter in our life.


The lazy me soaking my baby bump in the sun. I wish to pass the next few weeks being pregnant lazy… if you know what I mean!


People, when they meet me in my 30 weeks of pregnancy after a long gap, ‘the time has gone by so fast.’ Me, thinking ‘for you, sure!’


Looking at other pregnant ladies’ pictures on social media and wondering ‘how the hell am I such a mess!’


I am not lazy, kind of lazy… I am just pregnant kind of lazy.


Sure, my belly looks big. I am growing a human baby inside.


I started making notes in a diary, named it maternity diary, in case I forgot something. And now I can’t find my maternity diary…


I hope you enjoyed reading third trimester quotes. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section 🙂 

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