Are you having trouble coming up with short poems for a new baby girl?
Do you find it difficult to write Baby girl poems from mommy?
Then you have pushed the correct button. This blog has a wide collection of two-line verses for the same.
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43 Short poems for a new baby girl you will undoubtedly adore
Searching for Baby girl poems from Aunts or for cards or for new parents who have just delivered an angel? Here is a list of short welcome newborn baby girls two-lines for mommies, aunts, and dads.
The wait is finally ended,
A beautiful angel in our home has landed.
Let’s paint the town red,
A beautiful damsel is sleeping in my bed.
Will have to learn to be more gentle.
We promise Baby only with love and care you will be handled.
We have done something really good,
Our firstborn is a cute little red riding hood!!!!
On cloud 9,10,11,
A stroke delivered a baby directly from heaven.
Pretty girl is that you,
Can’t believe it, My secret dream just came true.
Baby, you have brought happiness to our home,
We can now call someone our very own.
The little angel has just arrived,
Can’t keep calm, we are brimming with pride.
Can’t wait to buy clothes for my angel,
Frill dresses or denim, what will be your preference?
The sky was left alone when you were born,
The most beautiful star on earth has come down.
Boy or girl, we were waiting,
A beautiful pink rainbow came into our dwelling
Baby girl poems from mommy
I will protect you with my whole heart,
My baby you will be treasured till death makes us apart.
I wanted a best friend to be by my side,
Look, my princess came to give me a positive life.
My husband is cheating you see,
He loves our baby girl more than me.
Will you be a fashionista, will you excel in sports?
Ahh, don’t worry, freely do whatever you adore.
My husband, you have my sympathy,
Mood swings of two-person will drive you crazy.
You got my back little lady,
Waiting for you to drive me crazy.
Mama’s Pampered Queen you will be,
I pray that you get the best of destiny.
Carried you till 9 months in my womb,
You look like your dad that’s so rude.
Parties will be allowed, dress as you like,
But be truthful with me, there is no need to hide.
I will support you but when you are right,
My star you will shine bright and bright.
You will control your daddy can’t wait to see it,
You will take Mama’s revenge for free.
You look like a replica of your mom,
But love me a little more and don’t ever frown.
Newborn baby girl poems for cards
You will be outspoken, you will be brave,
Like a fierce warrior, you will be raised.
We are excited we are blessed,
A baby girl directly came from heaven.
You got my back little lady,
Waiting for you to drive me crazy.
Fight with the entire world for dad,
Take my side when your mom’s mood is bad.
Beautiful locks, innocent face,
My girl, keep your head high and walk with grace.
Promise me you will share everything with me,
Aunt will be your best friend till eternity.
Daddy will take your side as always,
Will protect you from gazes I truly commit.
May you spread your wings so wide,
Don’t be afraid to fall, you will survive.
You are my bubble gum, you cute munchkin,
Life will trouble you but just walk with a wink.
Baby girl, I see a cute friend in you,
Our friendship will be pure and true.
I will make all your wishes come true,
Only love and care are what I want from you.
Don’t throw tantrums on and off miss,
Despite being raised by affection and kiss.
Love unconditionally dear baby,
Life will be hard but take it easy.
Princess rhymes for baby
Princess poem for my little girl.
You are my beautiful world.
A princess is in making,
The path of parenting is truly amazing.
I will have to learn new hairstyles,
Mama’s princess was born in the tribe.
You will be apple of our eye,
You will protect your little brother cutie pie.
Mirror mirror on the wall,
Baby girl, you will grow beautiful and tall.
Baby girl you are gorgeous, one of a kind,
You can use my accessories. I won’t mind.
Will you be my friend or will you be a rebel,
I pray in life you always excel.
In one year my little girl will outgrow my hands,
Time flies so quickly as an hourglass.
You are an apple of the pie of the clan,
Be independent before you find your dream man.
Here are a few amazing poetry mantras for your new, gorgeous girl. I sincerely hope you liked them. In the comments section, please let us know which one you loved the most.

Dr. Umera Zakiahmed Saiyed, Founder of new age compassion scape – ‘Mommie Mantra’ is a determined woman, passionate mom and an award winning Gynaecologist. She is on a mission to empower new age caregivers by offering experiential counsel that builds ‘momentum’ in ‘moms.’