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Is It ok to breastfeed your sleeping baby?

Is Breastfeeding in a sleeping position good or bad?

As a parent, you want to do what is best for your baby.  Is side-lying breastfeeding safe for newborns? Does this query confuses you?  One important decision you may have to make is whether or not to breastfeed your baby while they are sleeping.

Breastfeeding while your baby is sleeping can be an easy and convenient way to provide them with the nutrition they need. However, it also raises some concerns about safety and potential health risks for the baby.

In my blog, we will explore the pros and cons of breastfeeding your baby while they sleep. Being a doctor mom, I have discussed some tips that you can use if you decide to go ahead with this practice. 

Is it ok to breastfeed your sleeping baby

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Breastfeeding your baby while they sleep has plenty of benefits for both you and your little one. Breast milk is the best nutrition a baby can get. It’s not only full of nutrients, but also packed with antibodies that help fight illnesses. Since babies tend to sleep frequently, breastfeeding them while they sleep can allow them to receive more of those nutritional benefits in a short amount of time.

Additionally, and depending on circumstances, it may also be easier for you to breastfeed your baby while they are sleeping, as it may require less effort from you since you do not need to wake them up in order to feed them. Furthermore, it can be a convenient way for you to get some rest yourself and get a break from the daily routine of being a parent.

Does Breastfeeding Promote Sleep for Babies?

Breastfeeding does promote sleep for your baby, and for this reason, it can be tempting to try to breastfeed your baby to sleep. Some studies have shown that mothers who breastfeed their babies to sleep have less night waking’s, and their babies slept for longer periods at night.

These same studies showed that babies who were fed with formula also took longer to fall asleep, but once they did pass out, they stayed asleep for as long as the breastfed infants. That’s because breastfeeding helps release hormones in both mother and child that create a calming effect that can help soothe your little one into dreamland.

So while breastfeeding may help your baby fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer, it’s important to remember that if you do choose to nurse them while sleeping that you must still follow the safe sleeping practices recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics for all babies – safe sleep foundations such as a bassinet or crib with a firm mattress, no blankets or toys in the area and a sleep surface free from recliners or soft surfaces.

Will Breastfeeding Disrupt a Baby’s Sleep?

Wondering if breastfeeding your baby while they sleep will disrupt their sleep? The answer depends on how you approach it.

  • Feeding as Comfort Tool

If your baby is associating your breast with comfort and falling asleep while nursing, then you may want to consider not feeding them to sleep. This is because the habit of falling asleep while nursing can become a crutch and make it difficult for your baby to fall asleep independently at a later stage.

On the other hand, if breastfeeding is not being used as a crutch and your baby can fall asleep both when nursing and independently, then there is no reason why you should not breastfeed them if they fall asleep during a feed. It is also important to note that when a child falls asleep during breastfeeding, it usually means that they are relaxed and comfortable enough to move into deeper levels of sleep – something that could be beneficial for their overall growth and development.

It’s up to you as the parent to decide what works best for you and your baby. One way or another, just ensure that whatever approach you take remains consistent for the best results!

How to Safely Breastfeed While Baby Sleeps ?

If you’ve decided to breastfeed your sleeping baby, there are several important safety guidelines you should follow.

  • Use Proper Positioning

It is important to ensure that your baby’s breathing is unobstructed, so make sure their head and neck remain in a neutral position with their airway open. This can be achieved by sitting in a comfortable chair and resting your baby at an angle on a pillow or cushion. Avoid pillows that are too high or soft, as they can block your baby’s airway. 

To learn more refer to How to Breastfeed While lying down ? Source : Web Med.  

  • Monitor Baby While Feeding

It is important to remain aware of the time and duration of the feeding session. Even if your baby has fallen asleep during the whole process, make sure they remain awake and alert enough to drink milk, otherwise they could choke on it. Check for signs such as lip smacking or tongue movements, which indicate that your baby is actively swallowing milk.

  • Discontinue if Necessary

If you become concerned about any part of the process, from positioning to comfort, it’s wise to stop breastfeeding and reposition the baby before continuing again. Always remember that if something does not feel right for you or your little one, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Side effects of breastfeeding while lying down

It’s important to note that while breastfeeding a sleeping baby can be beneficial, there are times when it is best to avoid the practice.

  • Higher Risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

When a baby is deeply asleep, they are not able to use their natural reflexes and signals to stay safe while breastfeeding. This can leave them vulnerable to SIDS. Therefore, it is important to take caution when nursing a deeply sleeping baby and not allow them to enter into a deep sleep during feeding.  You can learn more about this syndrome by just a click

  • Impact on Breastfeeding Habits

Another possible drawback of breastfeeding your sleeping baby is that the habit can cause them to reject nursing during the day and prefer feeding when they are drowsy or asleep. This means that babies may experience fewer feeds during the day and more feeds at night – meaning less stimulation for their brains and bodies during the day. Therefore, it is important to find a balance between breastfeeding your sleeping baby and encouraging them to feed regularly during wide-awake times throughout the day as well.

Making the Decision: To Breastfeed or Not While Baby Sleeps

As with all parenting decisions, the choice to breastfeed your baby while they sleep is an individual one. There are some benefits to be had from the action, as well as potential drawbacks. 

Breast Milk is easily digestible, making it more comfortable and safer for a sleeping baby. If not done properly, nursing while sleeping can interfere with the baby’s breathing and lead to dangerous situations such as choking or suffocating.
Studies have found that sleeping babies who were breastfeeding were better able to maintain their temperature and grew faster than babies who did not breastfeed while asleep.   It can also increase the risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) if the mother falls asleep during a nursing session.
Nursing can be a source of comfort and security for a baby. Nursing for too long or too often can lead to dental cavities in both mother and baby.

Ultimately, every parent must decide whether or not to breastfeed their baby while they sleep based on their own circumstances and beliefs. It’s important to talk with your pediatrician for the same.

At the end of the day, the decision to breastfeed your baby while they sleep is a personal one. Don’t hesitate to get a professional opinion from your doctor or parenting expert if you’re uncertain and want more insight. Only you and your baby can decide what works best. However, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons to determine what is best for both of you.  Overall, it may be best to make sure your baby is awake, alert and actively nursing when you breastfeed.