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Finding ways, how to pamper a pregnant woman? 

Are you lacking ideas that can make a pregnant woman happy?

Don’t worry, Mommie Mantra has heard you. I have written extraordinary ideas to spoil your Preggo lady.   

How to pamper a pregnant woman

43 Unique Ways That Will Teach You, How To Pamper A Pregnant Woman 

Many think that Women are hard to please and if the woman is pregnant then it is a little difficult. But this is a wrong belief. You can pamper a pregnant women with these easy steps.

Quickly scroll down the never ending list to woo your Prego woman . 

1. Give Your Wife A Priceless Gift : Be There For Her Maximum Time

You don’t give me enough time, is the complaint of every woman from her husbands. During her pregnancy period delete this complaint from her box. Time is the best gift for pregnant women

2. Offer Her Assistance In Household Chores : Be A Helping Hand

Pleasing a woman is simple. Just provide a hand with housework. irrespective of how minor the effort could be. She’ll be grateful for your kindness, no doubt.

3. Make Her Favorite Breakfast : Be A Personal Master Chef

Cooking is a tedious job, isn’t it? Some chopping off with veggies or cooking one meal for her will make her feel special. Go for it soul mates.

4. Kiss Her Forehead Or Baby Bump : Be Her Eternal Lover

Kiss her to show her that you care. One of the many signs of affection is a kiss on the forehead or the cheeks. Frequently show it to her.

5. Talk To Her, Ask Her About Her Feelings : Be A Patient Listener

The most common complaint from wives is that their husbands don’t listen. Listen with patience. As she shares her experience as a mother with you, your marriage will be strong.

6. Surprise Her By Shopping Maternity Wear : Be A Personal Banker

New mothers worry about their weight. They feel down because of their worn-out attire. Purchase them a new clothes and observe the change.

7. Bring Essential Medicines For Her : Be A Genuine Caretaker

Women are excellent caregivers for others, but they often neglect their own health. Continue to remind her to take her medications; this will make her feel increasingly special.

8. Accompany Her To Doctor Visits : Be A Backbone, Her Supporter

As their better half has other commitments to meet, many pregnant women visit hospitals alone. She will adore it if you accompany her to the hospital.

9. Plan A Babymoon : Be A Photographer From Morning To Noon

Women enjoy taking pictures. Plan a quick and safe vacation if your queen enjoys traveling. Take lots of pictures with her. She will undoubtedly adore it.

10. Visit Her Family Side Frequently : Be A Gentlemen

Some guys dislike paying unannounced visits to their in-laws. When your soulmate is expecting, turn this negative into a positive. She will be stunned and surprised by your action.

11. Bring Her Favorite Food Occasionally : Be A Good Party Host

 If your girlfriend is a foodie, spoil her with food. Bring your favorite food that she enjoys. There are several eating appetites and aversions throughout pregnancy. Feed her cravings and treat her well.

12. Cook Her Favorite Meal Once A Week : Be A Sport

Women enjoy it when their partner makes her meals. Simple foods like pasta or Maggi can suffice. For women, effort is what counts, not the food. With love, set a table for her.

13. Show Her Favorite Movie  : Be A Best Friend

A movie is therapeutic. She can be pampered right now by watching her favorite movies, getting comfy, and receiving a nice peck anyplace. To make things more romantic, let her sleep in your arms.

14. Enact A Character Of Her Favorite Hero : Be An Actor

 Play her favorite actor and recite  some of her favorite dialogue. In the end, your women will undoubtedly be astonished and surprised. You can even make her laugh by reading this funny captions to announce pregnancy. 

15. Take Her For a Safe Long Drive : Be Her Personal Driver

At home, some women are quite bored. Take her on safe long drives while listening to romantic songs. She will be at ease and stress-free.

16. Put A Portrait Of You As A Couple In Room : Be Romantic

Women enjoy taking pictures, whereas males do not. Put a picture of the two of you in your room. Make sure it’s in front of your bed so that when the expecting mother wakes up, it will be the first thing she sees.

17. Plan A Party Exclusive With Her Besties : Be Her Best Friend

What better plan than to invite her pals over? Set up a little gathering for them. She will adore this notion. Leave her with her friends for a full day and observe the smile on her face.

18. Fight Less And Love More And More : Be Matured Person Daddy

Women tend to want more love and attention during pregnancy. So pay attention; all husbands don’t quarrel much but do love her a little more. Save every cute battle ,for after birth.

19. Sing Her Favorite Song And Dance With Her : Be An Entertainer

If your lady enjoys music and dancing, try this out. Sing her your favorite songs; you don’t have to be a skilled dancer or singer to do it. The cherry on top will be dancing to her favorite song.

20. Give Her A Comfortable Massage On Her Legs : Be Her Masseur

Due to the weight of the womb, pregnant women often experience severe back and leg pain. If you massage her comfortably in this situation, she will surely feel better.

21. Book A Maid For Her : Be An Indirect Helper

Pregnancy causes both physical and mental weariness. In this situation, it would be nice if someone could assist with housework. For her, book a helper. She will till eternity appreciate you.

22. Decorate Your Room With Cute Baby Stuffs : Be An Event Planner

Women love to be impressed. Surprise her by filling the space with adorable baby items. Decorate it with baby accessories that she will adore. Mama and it’s done would be the subject of a different communication.

23. Make A Collage Of USG Reports In Your Room : Be Her Creative Person

Reports from the USGS show an image of your unborn child. They are unique. Create a collage of the monthly reports and surprise her. Thus, even when still within the womb, your baby can surprise mom. She will be delighted to see it, without a doubt.

24. Give Her A Good Hair Oil Massage To Her Frequently : Be A Comforter

The best pampering therapy is a massage with hair oil. It is without a doubt a simple tool for treating the other person well. Massage your expectant wife’s hair well with hair oil. She’ll adore it.

25. Make Cards For Positive Affirmations About Her Changed Body : Be Her Healer

Women’s bodies change during pregnancy is the one thing they think about frequently. Make her feel unique by penning encouraging affirmations to help her feel good about the changes.

26. Hug Her Frequently To Make Her Feel Special : Be Her Lover

Hugs and kisses are common ways to show someone you love them. Just to keep her safe, give her a spontaneous hug. She will surely appreciate this kindness.

27. Talk To Her More Time As Much As Possible : Be Her Companion

Despite the perception that women are talkative, they enjoy listening as well. Tell her about any amusing childhood memories you have to help her mind. Try to get her to laugh as much as you can. She will love it.

28. Plan Her Maternity Photo Shoot : Be Her Photographer

The memories from maternity photo shoots will last a lifetime. Make it the most memorable day for your expectant women. As many pictures of her with many themes as you can. She will be stunned when she sees it.

29. Watch Videos Together About Parenting : Be A Responsible Co Parent

 Parenting is not only a female’s job. It should have an equal hand of the man  too. No one is born to take this responsibility. We all learn through experience being the best parent.

30. Plan A Twinning Session Together : Be A Funky Coordinator

Women enjoy being quirky. One aspect of it is twinned. Put on coordinated clothing and take pictures of the group. Your infant will be content to see your shift.

31. Accompany Her To Prenatal Maternity Sessions : Be Her Best Husband

Husbands frequently neglect to accompany their wives on hospital visits. But you must be the change. Ask about the health of the mother and child when you visit her in the hospital. Upon seeing it, she will be pleased.

32. Exchange Your Tees With Her Someday – Be A Good Wardrobe Lender

In the last trimester females want to wear comfortable clothes. What clothes can be more comfortable than husband’s tees? Share your loose t-shirts with her.  She will like it.

33. Buy Her A C Shape Pillow – Be Her Savior

Females find it difficult to sleep during pregnancy. Comfort them by buying a c shaped pillow for her. She will appreciate your efforts and will have a sound sleep.

34. Plan Romantic Dates Together – Be Her Lover Boy

Time spent together is special. Pregnant females are bored sitting at home. Make their pregnancy Time Special, by taking them to romantic dates. They will forget their pregnancy hues for sure.

35. Buy Her Soothing Lamp Shades – Be Her Mood Igniter

Lamp shades add to the epitome of love. It is indeed comforting and soothing. Buy soothing lamp shades for your room. Expectant women crave for some mental peace and comfort. She will feel pampered to a great extent.

36. In Her Last Trimester , Do Difficult Chores For Her – Be An Unasked Helping Hand

Help her wash dishes or cut veggies for dinner. In the last trimester the difficult work is to bend down on her knees and do work. For eg shaving unwanted hair, cleaning , mopping. Help her with these chores and she will feel relaxed.

37. If This Is Not Your First Pregnancy Take Care Of Your Other Children – Be Their Mama For Someday

Take care of your elder children. See to it that they don’t throw tantrums. Feed them , bathe them, let her feel free from these small chores. She will feel relaxed and content too.

38. Give Her The Warmth Of Your Hand – Be A Heater For Her

No better place than to relax at your husband’s arm, they say. Give her your hand to lean on ,not for the entire night but at least till when she dozes off. She will feel pampered without any huge efforts you see. Women are happy in these little things.

39. Plan Her Surprise Baby Shower – Be A Stunner

As mentioned earlier women love surprises. A pregnant female also loves it. Plan a baby shower of a beautiful theme she will love. You can in fact do a gender reveal too. Invite all your family, friends and relatives.

40. Give Her Spa Salon Treatment – Be Her Relaxing Entertainer

Make her feel good in these 9 months. Book an appointment at a spa salon to relax. She will forget all her morning sickness and will enjoy these sessions for sure.

41. Buy Her Maternity Clothes And Comfy Shoes – Be Her Atm Machine

 Shopping is the best therapy to pamper a woman. Give her your Atm cards and allow them to shop maternity clothes of their choice. She will be happy the entire 9 months by this gesture.

42. Call Her Or Text Her Frequently From Office – Be A Guardian Angel

When you are at work, keep checking in with her. Your words will make her feel safer. Find out if she has taken her medications and how she is feeling. She will be pampered and comforted by your comments.

43. Give Assurance That You Will Take The Responsibility For The Newborn – Be An Equal Parent

During pregnancy, a lot of women worry about raising their infant baby by themselves. Promise her that you will be a responsible co-parent who will share parenting duties equally with the infant.

Pampering a pregnant woman can be so easy with these tips. I hope these comforting mantras will help you achieve your goal to impress your expectant wife.