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Finding ways how to meditate as a new mom? 

Are you looking for ways to shed stress through meditation as a new mom? 

In this article, I will provide you with tips and tricks to get started on your journey toward self-care as a new mom through meditation and mindfulness. 

How to meditate as a new mom

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21 Tips & Tricks To Help You How To Meditate As A New Mom 

Being a new mom is an amazing experience, but also a difficult one. It can be overwhelming trying to balance all of your responsibilities, from taking care of your baby to being there for your partner. On top of that, you’re adjusting to a new lifestyle and the many changes that come with it. Self-care isn’t always easy when you’re so busy taking care of others, but it is important.

One way you can make time for yourself is by doing some form of meditation or mindfulness practice. Scroll down to learn more. 


Understand the Benefits of Meditation

Meditation can be a powerful tool for finding peace and balance amid motherhood chaos. But first, it’s important to understand why you should practice this beneficial activity. Meditation has been proven to reduce stress and help promote relaxation for the mind and body. It can also improve focus and concentration, reduce physical tension and fatigue, reduce negative moods such as depression or anxiety, and help develop better self-awareness and self-regulation. Plus, when practiced regularly, meditation can help new moms find a sense of inner calm amongst all of life’s challenges.


Preparing To Meditate As A New Mom

When it comes to meditation for new moms, preparation is key. Taking the time to plan and make sure you have everything you need before sitting down will ensure that your meditation experience is as peaceful as possible.

Here are some tips to help you prep:

– Find a quiet, comfortable spot where you won’t be disturbed, preferably one that’s free from clutter or chaos.

– Set a timer so that you don’t lose track of time—many apps provide guided meditation sessions with variable duration options.

– Choose a position that best serves your current needs, for example, if your lower back is sore from lifting an infant, opt for a more comfortable seated pose like Suk-asana.

– Make sure your hands and feet are warm and comfortable by wearing cozy socks or putting on warm mittens.

– Create your mantra or affirmation that will help center your thoughts in moments of stress or distraction.


Setting The Right Environment For Meditation

Are you wondering how to create the right environment for your meditation sessions? Here are a few tips and tricks you should consider. Select a routine time for ten minutes for yourself. It should be early in morning. This will help you to be relaxed the entire day. Use a quite place. Wear on comfortable clothes and try to relax. 


Invest In Sound Proof Headphones

This is worth the investment, especially if you have a noisy house. Soundproof headphones will help block out external noise and give you uninterrupted silence during your meditation sessions.


Make Sure You Have Comfortable Clothing

If you want to truly relax during your meditation sessions, make sure that your clothing is comfortable and not too restrictive. This will help you maintain the right posture for longer periods.


Choose A Meditation Corner 

Select a spot where no one will disturb you. This can be anywhere from your bedroom to a quiet corner of the house, or even outdoors if the weather permits. Having an outside area designated as your “meditation corner” can be very beneficial, as the fresh air and natural light can help with relaxation and focus.


How to Get Started With Guided Meditations

If you’ve never meditated before, guided meditations are an excellent way to get started. Guided meditations act like an inner GPS, so you can keep your focus on the task without getting distracted by your thoughts or worries. Guided meditation uses verbal cues and a calming voice to help meditate. The voice guides you through a set of simple instructions which could include breathing exercises and visualization to help guide your meditation.


Benefits of guided meditation

One of the biggest benefits of guided meditation is that there’s no need for any prior knowledge or experience with meditation. You don’t even need a background in yoga! Plus, you get to hear what each step is so you can keep your focus on the task and avoid distractions. It also helps to have someone talk you through the exercises so that it feels less overwhelming, especially if this is your first time trying meditation.


Learning to Be Present in Everyday Moments

It’s hard to be present as a new mom, especially when there are a million things that need doing. But it’s important to learn how to be present in every moment and just take it all in. 


Put Away Distractions

Your phone, laptop, tablet, and even the TV can be massive distractions when you’re trying to meditate. So put them away and give yourself the time and space to just focus on being present.


Be Mindful Of Your Breathing

When your body is relaxed and your mind is quiet, pay attention to your breathing. Take slow, deep breaths from your diaphragm and focus on the sensations of each breath entering and leaving your body.


Take Time For Yourself

It may seem impossible with a newborn in the house, but taking just a few minutes of alone time can make all the difference. Find a place where you won’t be disturbed so you can relax and focus on being present without any other distractions or tasks competing for your attention.


Enjoy Your Home

Your home is filled with reminders of your life before having a baby book on the shelf, and the photos in a frame, so why not take some time to appreciate those items? Spend some moments exploring those items around you. Sit back with a cup of tea and enjoy them as if for the first time. 


Focus On One Thing At  A Time

Whatever comes up in your mind an image, feeling, or emotion just focus on it without judgment until it passes away naturally. This will help you stay present while feeling connected with yourself as well as the universe around you. 


Connecting With Nature Through Meditation

One of the best ways to relax and recharge as a new mom is by connecting with nature through meditation. Meditation isn’t just something you do while sitting or lying in one place you can use it to draw from the natural world around you. 


Take Walks

Take time for yourself and go for a walk outside with no noise, no distractions, just nature. Allow your feet to move without a set agenda; don’t worry about how far or fast you go. Take the time to look around at the trees, and the flowers, and listen to any birdsong or other natural sounds. As your mind wanders, focus on breathing in the fresh air and releasing any tension.


Create An Outdoor Sanctuary

Create your outdoor sanctuary with a place that makes you feel safe and comfortable. You could try setting up a blanket or cushion in your backyard or at a nearby park to sit on, then add things like crystals, candles, feathers, etc., tsymbolizelise peace and relaxation. Find something meaningful to bring into the space that brings you joy, maybe it’s your favorite book for some quiet reading time or incense for aromatherapy. Then take a few minutes each day just to sit and soak everything. 


Listen To Nature Sounds

Another great way to tap into nature’s soothing energy is by listening to nature’s sounds. Find recordings of birds singing or waves crashing at the beach online and play them while laying down in bed before falling asleep. The calming sounds will help lull you into sleep so that you can rest well each night. 


Gently Release Your Stress

While sitting still, invite in relaxed energy by taking notice of the areas where tension is held in your body, notice your shoulders, jaw, or forehead, and then consciously let go of these tight spots. With each breath release more and more of the stress. 


Achieving Balance With Meditation On The Go

As a busy new mom, it can be hard to find time to relax and recharge. But with the right meditation techniques, it’s possible to maintain your balance no matter how chaotic life gets. Relax and start. Remember it’s never too late, to begin with. 


Putting It Into Practice

Now that you’ve explored some of the basics of meditating, how do you make it part of your daily life? Try to practice at the same time each day, like first thing in the morning or while the baby is napping. Include it as part of your scheduling system and make it a priority. Find the right tools for you, like cushions, apps, or audio recordings to help support your practice.

These tips can help you find presence in everyday moments as a new mom! With these tips in mind, you can gradually build up your meditation skills over time, allowing you to reap the benefits of this ancient practice sooner rather than later!

Frequently asked questions 

1) Why moms should meditate?

Meditating can help you to calm your mind, reduce stress, and be more mindful of the present moment. It can also help improve your mood and outlook on life, increase your focus and clarity, reduce anxiety and depression, improve sleep quality, and give you a greater sense of self-awareness. 

2) How to get Ready for meditation sessions? 

Hera e are a few tips and tricks for new moms who want to give guided meditation a try:

– Set aside at least 10 minutes each day for your practice.

– Choose a quiet location and comfortable position.

-Use headphones or earplugs if necessary.

-Begin with deep breaths as often as possible

– Take note of how different parts of your body feel during the meditation session

– Follow along with guided exercises step-by-step. 

– Don’t worry too much if you find yourself drifting off during the session – simply start again when ready.

Remember my Mantra, Taking time out for yourself doesn’t need to be complicated or long. Just five minutes of actively practicing a simple meditation technique can help you to relax, recharge, and be more present for your baby.