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Are you struggling with how to manage time as a new mom?

Are you looking for queries like how do I take time for myself as a new mom?

Here are the most useful suggestions clubbed in one write-up for anxious mom’s like you.

How To Manage As A New Mom

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I have clubbed some useful time management tips how to manage time with baby and housework. The main secret to manage your time better is ” Do Not Ever Try To Be Perfectionist ” . 

Scroll down to learn more about my Mommie Mantra to manage your time mom. 

D Do Have A Weekly Planner With You
O Omit All The Nonessential Tasks First
No To Loitering On Gadgets Before Task Completion
O Overthinking Is Bad, Take Charge And Finish The Task Up
Team Up With Your Family Members
Eat The Frog Up.
V Vent Out Negative Energies And Practice Mindfulness
E Explain Your Management Skills To Your Partner For Feedback
R Rejuvenate Your Body With Some Me Time
T Try To Cook With Easy Methods
R Rotate Baby Duties With Family To Finish Your Housework
Y You Are The Boss And Are Not Answerable For Unfinished Work
Take A Break Between Chores
O Oversight of All Judgements And Unsolicited Advice
B Build A Small Target First For A Day
E Equal Parenting Should Be The Need Of The Hour
P Prioritize On Being Consistent
E Easy And Calm Mind Can Solve Drastic Issues
R Request For A Helper If You Think It’s Hard To Manage It Alone
F Focus Is The Key To Managing Time
E Explore And Learn From Life’s Challenges
C Curtail On A Huge To-Do List Of A Single Day
T Tune Your Baby’s Schedule According To Yours
 I It’s Okay If You Have Missed On Some Tasks, There Is A New Day
O Organize All Tasks In Such A Way That You Are Not Over Stressed
N Not to Worry Mama, You Will Learn Time Management Slowly
 I Indulge In Home Activities When Baby Sleeps
S Start your day early
Try To Stick On The Day Schedule As Much As Possible


Do Have a Weekly Planner With You

A Planner will help you to decide between the important task and not-so-important ones. You can stay organized by listing all the do to things of a day. You will come to know the pending ones too. 


Omit All The Nonessential Tasks First 

We, Humans, are Bad organizers. We try to complete all the unnecessary stuff first. If you are mindful enough to complete the difficult chores first, it will save a lot of time for the day. 


No To Loitering On Gadgets Before Task Completion  

 Scrolling through the net is good only when you are free unless you are researching some important topics. First, finish off the piled-up laundry or do the cooking and then sit on the couch for some Me time. But not before that.


Overthinking Is Bad, Take Charge And Finish The Task Up 

Overthinking is a bad habit. It makes a person a procrastinator. In a simple sense, you just create an imaginary scenario in your mind about how difficult the task is. Then end up giving up because you thought it will take a whole life to complete it. It’s better to start working rather than just thinking. It will save much of your time.


Team Up With Your Family Members 

Moms don’t ask for help for n number of reasons. Relax Mom, it’s good to ask for help and divide the chores rather than doing it by yourself alone. Teaming up will save much of your time. It will help you in doing much other stuff. For example, You can ask your partner to do the bedding when you cook. Do duties will be completed at once 


Eat The Frog Up 

Eat the Frog up is a proverb that you finish a difficult task first. Then the rest small work of the home will follow. You can do cooking, bathing, or feeding your baby first, and then the rest small stuff follows. If you keep the big tasks to be completed late you will get stressed till night. Instead, achieve big tasks on priority. 


Vent Out Negative Energies And Practice Mindfulness 

We, women, have the habit to keep all the grudges in our hearts. We fail to express our anxieties to others even our partners. This gets piled on within us and then it bursts one day. This will have a direct bad impact on our minds and body. Instead, express freely with your partner. Practice yoga and meditation. Remember A cool woman is a happy Mom to her Newborn. 


Explain Your Management Skills To Your Partner For Feedback 

Motherhood is a new phase for you and your partner. There is an extra responsibility for your newborn which can’t be neglected. Talk to your partner about your ideas to manage a home with a new baby. He may also understand the fact that it will be tough and will help you without you even asking for it. You both can manage to parent together. This will be of great help. 


Rejuvenate Your Body With Some Me Time 

Take frequent breaks in between work. Motherhood is beginning to be on your toes till your baby is an adult. It’s not a day show, it will run for ages. So don’t stress new moms. Take time for yourself. Pamper your body when the baby is asleep. Rejuvenate your face with a cool mask or a hot shower that can help you relax. You can work faster when your mind and body are at peace. 


Try To Cook With Easy Methods 

We are not master chefs and don’t try to be one. You won’t get any awards if you cook like a pro. Cooking is a tedious job with your newborn. Learn easy tricks to cook. It will save much of your time. You can even prepare your meal a day before by just cutting veggies and storing them. Pureed gravies are also a time saver. Work on your culinary skills to save more time in the kitchen. 


Rotate Baby Duties With Family Members To Finish Your Housework 

A newborn requires attention only when he is hungry or he has spoiled his diaper mom. Don’t waste your time just sitting beside your baby and gazing at her the whole day. You can gaze at her in your free time. Give your baby to other family members so that you can finish off with some work here and there. Grandparents are the best baby watchers. Ask them if they can look after the baby when you cook. I bet they won’t say no to it. This idea will save much of your time.


You Are The Boss And Are Not Answerable For Unfinished Work 

Mommie don’t do work at home as if it’s your 9-5 job. Even if you try hard and if its still done, let it be. No one will question you that why the bedding is not done or why the dinner is not ready. You get ample online food courts that deliver food to your doorstep. But this does not mean that you don’t cook at all. There is always a backup ready mama. You need not worry. 


Take A Break Between Chores 

As mentioned earlier don’t stress out with work at a stretch. Let your home look messy, don’t do stuff that will make you tired. A calm mind can complete a task faster than a tired body. Get ample of Me time here and there Mommie Catch a nap or your favorite web series when your baby is asleep. Do whatever makes you happy mom so that you can take care of your baby with a happy mind. 


Oversight of All Judgements And Unsolicited Advice 

Parents should be used to getting much- unasked advice from society. Be prepared to get unaffected by them. The more you are affected by judgments, the more you will waste your time. Save your time for useful activities rather than wasting it on foolish people. You will be more organized as a mom when you will try to not pay heed to unsolicited advice. 


Build A Small Target First For A Day  

Don’t try to attain the stars by sitting on the ground. This is an impractical wish. Try to set a small achievable target first. Trust me completing them will bring joy in your life to attain more. Begin with baby steps as a new mom. All work done at once is not done at all remember that. Finish off with essential tasks first and rest according to your energy left. This is a useful time management strategy for overwhelmed moms


Equal Parenting Should Be The Need Of The Hour  

Raising a child is not only a Moms duty. If your partner helps you with small baby work then you can focus more on household chores. He can help with laundry, changing diapers, or soothing a cranky baby, meanwhile, you can complete kitchen work. If your partner does not help you please talk with him. Communication can save your relationship as well as your time. 


Prioritize On Being Consistent 

It will take days to stick to the given schedule. But take it, easy mom. You will gradually learn to become more and more consistent. Procrastinating will make things worse. Consistency is the main factor in time management. It makes oneself more discipline to complete chores. In the Early stage, you will tend to leave two work schedules for a day, but slowly you will manage your time better and complete all the tasks for a given day mom. That day will be joyful for you. 


Easy And Calm Mind Can Solve Drastic Issues 

A chaotic mind can add to more and more issues. Hence try to keep your mind calm so that even if there is a difficulty you can solve it with ease. Practice yoga for relaxation. You can schedule things properly with a content heart. Motherhood will be chaotic in the start but it will be all okay in the end. You can manage your time well with a fresh mind. 


Request For Helper If You Think It’s Hard To Manage It Alone 

If even after trying hard you fail to manage stuff ask for help. Asking for a helping hand is not a sign of laziness. It’s a sign of intellectual management of your time. This tip will gain you more bonus points for your Me Time. A helping hand is what you need when you have tireless nights with your cranky newborn. It will save you time and you can take your naps during the day too. Remember your partner won’t be there the entire day with you. Why stress a single soul with home duties? Hire a helper for those extra time-consuming work. 


Focus Is The Key To Managing Time 


Time management is not stuff that you will understand in a single day. You have to keep a strong focus and stick to daily chores to be finished. A proper focus will keep you on track. It’s like a race, focus on the finishing line mom. It does not matter whether you win or lose it. The only thing that matters are you complete it. Try hard to complete life’s daily race mom. You will rock it. 


Explore And Learn From Life’s Challenges 

Life has its ups and downs. Not all days are equal, some days will be good for you and some bad. Learn from bad life challenges and cherish good ones. Do not repeat mistakes that you did when a day didn’t turn in your favor. Explore and learn mom. A mom is an all-rounder, it’s her superpower. Learn and grow for the betterment of your baby. Ultimately your baby will observe you and grow. Be a good role model for your newborn. 


Curtail On A Huge To-Do List Of A Single Day 

This is the most effective tip which as an experienced mom I can share with you all. Do not keep unrealistic goals. There is a lot of stuff to be fixed in a day. Just focus on the main ones. Scheduling a high list will increase your anxiety level and you won’t be able to complete even half of your daily chorus. Breathe in Mom, and plan a short list. This will make you complete every important task. You will be happy at the end of the day. 


Tune Your Baby’s Schedule According To Yours 

New mom forgets that they are moms and that newborns is just an add-on to responsibilities. Do not always work according to your baby’s schedule. You will end up with pending household chores when you prioritize your baby’s schedule. Instead adjust your baby’s bathing, feeding, and other activities along with the household chores. This small step will make you a multitasker eventually. Newborn is easily adaptable remember that. Plan your day accordingly to manage your time as a new mom. 


It’s Okay If You Have Missed On Some Tasks, There Is Yet Another Day 

As mentioned earlier you won’t be scolded for incomplete chores. It’s okay to have missed some tasks. It’s better to complete important work before the evening ends so you are left with optional work to be done. Take it, easy moms. Please do not try to be perfect. You will get entangled with this thought. No human is perfect we are all trying to survive in this world. If you miss some tasks for today include them the next day and work accordingly. 


Organize All Tasks In Such A Way That You Are Not Over Stressed 

The organization is the second most important factor in time management. The first will always be consistency. Plan and organize your day well. Do not overload your soul with work. Take a step at a time. Do the compulsory task first and then the other tasks continue. Cooking, cleaning, and baby ready for instance can be your priority list as a mom. Plan a weekly grocery list according to your weekly meal plan. Declutter your wardrobe monthly and not on daily basis. These tips will help you to manage your time as a new mom.  


Not to Worry Mama, You Will Learn Time Management With Due Course 

Moms are the best teachers in the world. Self-confidence and the will to accomplish are the qualities of a mom remember that. You will figure out time management skills by yourself. It’s better to work on it early. Do not wait to be told to take action. Taking baby steps you will learn to manage your time well with your newborn. Don’t burden yourself and get cranky in the end. Learn new skills to manage your time in a better way. 


Indulge In Home Activities When Baby Sleeps 

Society says that sleep when your baby sleeps. But as an experienced mom, this advice is impractical. I insist you complete your household chores when your baby sleeps. You can do the laundry or clean up while your baby sleeps. Keep your sleeping time in the afternoon when your baby naps. This too is optional, you decide what you want to do at that moment, mom. Be your destiny writer Moms.


Start your day early 

This is crucial advice from a doctor’s mom. Don’t be a lazy person. Start your day early so that you have extra time left with you to plan your day properly. When you get up late the time left with you is less. Who likes to work on a tight schedule? Start your day early and let your night be early too. Stay hydrated and eat well mom. You will inculcate your discipline in your baby’s life. So work on yourself first to teach the same thing to your baby later. 


Try To Stick On The Day Schedule As Much As Possible 

Time management like a professional will take time. Stick to the day’s schedule as much as it’s possible for your mom. Completing all the tasks once is also not advised for your sanity. Try to complete the given tasks in the planner. If it’s not it’s still not an issue. Go slowly as the tortoise output will win the Motherhood race o mom. 

I hope my Mommie Mantra ” Do Not Ever Try To Be Perfectionist ” will help you to manage your time as a new mom. How did you manage your time as a new mom? Mention this in the comment section below.