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Worried about how to announce your pregnancy in the office? Don’t be because this is a blog written exclusively for women who are expectant working Mommies.

Here’s a collection of interesting pregnancy announcement ideas to get you started at office.

How to announce pregnancy in office?

How to announce a pregnancy in office? Interested in 19 Kick-ass Ways to Share your Big News?

As a working Mommie myself, I am here to share effective ideas to announce your soon-to-arrive newborn to the world .


Share Sweets with your Teammates and Burst out the Happy News of your Pregnancy at work

You are welcoming a new member into your life.  Aren’t you? So, burst this news with a smile  on your face and sweets in your hands. The choice of dessert depends solely on you. 


Bring Your Spouse Along To  Share Your Good News

Pregnancy is great news for both spouses. Revealing it with your partner at the workplace will be a moment in itself. Either be funny or formal in announcing, but make an effort together as pregnancy is mutual happiness of a couple.


Share an Effective Work Email with your Boss to Announce your Pregnancy in office

Emails are mandatory for everyone at work. Use this effective tool to share your pregnancy with your boss.  A formal email or any funny write-up about your new promotional position in life will do the work for you. 


Announce your Big News on the Office White Board

Every office has a whiteboard . Write your announcement on this board in a funny way to boost the mood of everyone at your workplace and share your big news.


Wear Maternity Wear at Work to Let People Notice the Big Change in You

 Wear maternity clothes to work and make your colleagues aware of the new and pleasant situation in your life. By the way, have access to outfit ideas for work during your three trimesters.


Put Adorable Baby God Statues at your Work Desk

Many cultures believe that Children are a gift from God. Right? Keep adorable statues of God based on the religion you follow. So for instance, baby Krishna will do for Hindus. Baby Jesus will do for Christians.


Paste a Personalized Note on your Work Desk that Reads out Loud, ‘Soon to be Mommie’

Are you good at writing? Do you express better while penning rather than saying it? If yes, pen down a nice note about your baby’s announcement on your own work desk. Make it loud and colorful.


Organize a free lunch while announcing your pregnancy to coworkers

Food is one of the best ways to bond with people at work. Also, to share something as wonderful as your pregnancy news. Organize a free lunch at work and share that you’re expecting.


Announce Your Pregnancy news at work During a Tea or Coffee Break

Wait for a tea or coffee break to announce your pregnancy. Many offices are strict about free time. So, break time is the only non judgmental time to mingle  together. You can announce your news there with loving and supportive team mates. 


Cute ways to announce your pregnancy in office by  Attractive Memo Notes

Paste cute memo notes on the desk of your colleagues. Inscribe cute and fun words on memo notes such as –

“Surprise, surprise | Soon to be Mommie on her rise”

“Soon to be Mom, Here to share my aplomb”


Create a Personalized Card Showcasing your Sonography Visual

Create a small card with your sonography image on it. You can attach your pregnancy kit too. Showcase it in an aesthetic way and allow your teammates to know that you’re expecting.


Recite Beautiful Poetic Verse to Indulge your Work Mates in your Happy News

Compose a small poem and recite it beautifully during free time in front of your workmates. You don’t need to be a professional  poet for this one. The main aim is to bring out your happiness to the world.


Create a suspense story while Announcing the newborn baby’s arrival at work

 Come up with a powerful way to indulge in suspense storytelling. Let people guess the end and then finally announce your news with a , “YAY.” Remember , the story  Is Yours , script it in an innovative manner.


Fun way to announce your pregnancy in office 

Humor can change the ambiance of your office quickly. So, try to read out funny jokes about  pregnancy in front of your colleagues. This way, you can not just share your baby news but also bring smiles to many dull faces, bored of work. 


Innovate with a Fun Declaration Calendar Revealing your Due Date

If you are an innovative person, make a calendar on your own and mark your due date on it. On being asked you can declare it as a newborn baby arrival reminder. Make sure to add fun while declaring.


Decorate your work den with baby goodies 

Baby goodies are the sweetest gesture to inform your friends at work. Imagine decorating some onesies or baby stuff on your seat. People will surely understand your stance this way, won’t they? 


Imprint your extended family news on a Fun t-shirt to let your work friends notice about it

Customize a t-shirt with a cute baby picture and yourself. You can even write quotes to reveal your big news. Let the world read it.  This is a fun way to announce pregnancy at office.


Sync the Glow of Pregnancy with the Glee on Your Face 

The glow of pregnancy should match the glee on your face. Let the world know how happy you are about the upcoming arrival of your little munchkin. 

Hence, avoid sounding low or nervous while declaring your pregnancy to your colleagues. 


Create a cute pregnancy template including the date of arrival of baby 

Templates are trending. Innovate it with babies’ pictures and decorate it. It will build a positive vibe at the office.

I hope that the ideas shared above will assist you better in sharing your pregnancy news with the world.

Do let me know which one was you liked the most amongst all . Pick your favorite announcement of pregnancy at office. Share it with other new mommies too and have fun.