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Funny pregnancy announcement captions for Instagram to break the big news of a little bundle of joy.

Take up Instagram and post a cute picture of your baby bump and match it with the most adorable or witty pregnancy announcement captions from the list below.

 Funny Pregnancy Announcement Captions For Instagram

173 Funny Pregnancy Announcement Captions For Instagram You’ll Fall In Love With

Let’s read the trending funny baby announcement captions for Instagram –  

A clean house is overrated. So we decided to make a tiny human.  


Babies are fun. We are expecting our first one.


My belly is growing big. But I promise it’s not beer.


Too hard to hold it all together… Oh, Baby! Now Coming Soon.


Yay! We have cracked a nut.


We are still in the game. Player 4 Arriving Soon.


We just wanted to see what our mix would look like… Remix Coming Soon!


The story behind our third creation … “We have mastered the basics”.


Now that we are done making the tiny human. It’s time to share the Good News.


Happy to see two Pink Lines… Yay! When you know what to expect.


Not doing alcohol anymore. It’s time to play the mommy role


A little egg has formed. We are waiting patiently for it to hatch.


It’s just the beginning and I still look the same. But a teeny-tiny human is in the making.


It’s not a secret anymore… It’s exciting to share we are growing two feets more!


We cried happy tears when we finally saw those two pink lines…


Resting my pregnant self on the sofa and tasting food all day.


I’ve been out of the drinking club lately. I’m now in the pudding club.


Saying goodbye to caffeine, hot tubs and high heels… Just taking a pregnant pause!


When all you’ve to think of is Eat, Sleep and Pee… Yes! That’s me… Mommy-to-be.


One, two, three, four, five 

We played the naughty game for nights. 

Six, seven, eight, nine, ten 

Now we’ve two buns, sweet and nut, fresh in the oven. 


Funny Pregnancy Captions To Share The Good News

A sweet little accident gave me a bump.


I screamed. He screamed. And came the season of baby creams.


Well played. We are Expecting Again.


When we were done being naughty. We decided to get the family started.


They say motherhood is bliss until the baby is out.


We kept screwing each other till we were screwed.


I am just pregnant kind of fat.


When eating is fun and the bump doesn’t need a run.


When he forgets to pull out on time.


Papa bear and Mumma bear played a game. Now the baby bear is on its way.




6 months – Clean and Sober Momma


Not a fake fat belly. It’s Real… And it’s not beer.


Yeessss! I have a bump and for all the right reasons…


What goes in must come out. Little (your name or spouse’s name) is on its way. Due (month).


This is the only test I’ve passed after graduating – My pregnancy test.


 Eating for two is like ‘I’m always hungry’… and I’ve grown rounder, wider and weirder.


I am expanding in the most adorable way.


I now fit in a double XL. I am wearing two.


Eating More – Drinking Less… Soon-to-be Mommy… you can catch me chillin in the bed!


What moms-to-be are made of? Tiny hooman, food, tiny hooman, food…


I’ve booked the couch and the remote for the next 9 months. Baby! Being pregnant ain’t easy…


We screwed and screwed and screwed, till we realized we were screwed.


As I turned size XL from size XS, I shopped till I dropped. He screwed me. I screwed him! 


I now have two brains but I still can’t think straight.


Cravings are heavenly when you eat for two… I can eat all day without exercising to lose weight.


I gave up on beers, wine and vodka when I found out there was a Joey in the Pouch.


Sometimes precautions don’t work, and a cute package comes along the road.


He is practising singing lullabies. I am mastering sleep. Ah! Revealing the Big Surprise – We are Prego! 


Baa Baa Black Sheep

All I want is to sleep.

When the little baby comes out,

All I’ll be doing is changing nappies.


Here’s A List Of Trendy Captions – How To Announce Your Pregnancy On Instagram

Little sugar, sweet and soft… Coming Soon is our time for nappies and cot.


It takes two to make a tiny human. But an entire village to raise one. Get ready people your work begins (Due Month).


Shorter days, longer nights, shabby clothes, messy home… Our life is about to change. We are soon going to be Dad and Mom!


Little bows and ponytails. Saying goodbye to our carefree days!


Downloading Junior (your name or spouse name depending upon the gender if you know). We are excited… Are You too?


We don’t know yet what’s cooking inside … But we are ready to welcome the Big Little Surprise.


We’re the mom and dad in the making… “Yippee! Our family is budding.”


12 weeks down. 28 weeks to go. Awaiting to welcome the newest baby coming on the home ground.


Look Who’s Coming… It’s the Boss Baby due.


It’s no more the two of us… Guess who’s the third?… Beautiful people say “Hello” there.


When I cough, I puke… When I laugh, I pee… And he sleeps through it all. Congratulations to us – we are Parents-To-Be.


Yippee! We got promoted as ‘Parents-To-Be’. Awaiting the finished product… Due (month).


Happiness is… Sharing the big news of our tiny human coming. Due (month)


Wild and Fun days come to an end as nappies and sleepless nights are about to begin.


It’s time to reveal the big surprise. Get ready to welcome a tiny human in the family. Due (month)


You may not see my bump as it’s too early… But we wanted to share our happiness with all the people dearly. Junior she/he is coming in 7 months.


Some people love babies. Some people love making babies. We are the latter. Announcing our first one for starters.


It’s just the beginning and I still look the same. But a teeny-tiny human is in the making.


Hickory, Dickery, Dock… There’s a pea in the pod.


Jack and Jill went up the hill, and Jill came down with a joey in the pouch. 


Funny Captions To Announce The Twins Are On The Way

We overdid our holiday fun. It’s time to announce the buns in the oven.


Size does matter. My bump shows two.


The first one was an accident. The second came planned. We expected to make one more but two came along.


We are happily in for double trouble.


We planted one seed but out came two, with two nuts each.


Sweeter than candy on the stick are the nuts baking in the oven. (twins)


Excited to welcome the double trouble… Yippee! We are pregnant with Twins on the way.


My belly has blown over the months… Baba dear, Baby dear are about to come.


We wished for one. But we are in for twice as much fun.


I ain’t fat darling… It’s the twins curling in my tummy.


My tummy is growing month-by-month with two babies inside sharing the warmth.


I was convinced it’s a boy. He was convinced it’s a girl. We both won as twins are about to come.


After our second child, we stopped questioning our parenting. But the game is about to change… Two more players are joining soon! Due (month)


Here we go around the mulberry bush

On a cold and frosty morning…

And just when the fun began,

We got preggo with a sweet and a salty darling!


My belly was acting out. The doctor said, ‘there are two peas in a pod!’


Creative Baby Captions To Announce Second/Third/Fourth Pregnancy

The first one came without notice. For the second I bumped on purpose.


Oops we did it again! Happily… Parents-To-Be 


Just as we thought we were done making kids… another one popped up and it was fun.


Here we go nuts again!


One bun is fun while the second bun is still in the oven.


We screwed up. Again! (First child’s name) sister/brother is on its way.


Here’s my tummy forecast… We are ready to welcome our (second/third/fourth) sweetheart.


The very moment we thought we were done making tiny humans… we nailed it again! Welcoming junior (2nd/3rd/4th). Due (month)


O’Baby! Another baby is on the way. Coming Soon. Due (month)


Nuts or Curls, We wonder what’s coming next? But whatever it is we are sure it’ll be fun!


Big sister’s Little Miss or Little Mister… We’ve decided to keep it a secret till the baby comes out.


Soon I’ll be losing my sanity in the sibling fight of “Mommy, who’s your favourite?” Counting Days… Baby Coming Out Soon!


Two little ducks sat in a row. Another one will soon be joining the show.


We are super happy to share… There’s about to come to another pumpkin in the patch.


It’s not the first time he forgot to wear his hat and my belly began to grow big and fat!


Best Funny Pregnancy Announcement Captions

Twinkle-Twinkle little star, soon-to-be mom and dad we are!


I keep wondering ‘What is a planned pregnancy?’ Our first baby was conceived after an alcohol overdose. Our second baby was a surprise… And here we go again – approach without caution. We are pro at malfunctioning and yet we love them all. Awaiting eagerly for our newest addition.


This is my belly saying ‘bursting with life!’


Wearing my preggo swag again! That’s all I do these days.


I wake up, throw up, eat, repeat. Goodbye to beer days and hello to morning sickness.


We ran out of things to argue about. So, we decided to have kids on purpose.


Everyone keeps asking me ‘why am I tired all the time?’

Hello people… I’m making a life and it’s exhausting!


I looked at the wishing star and I was too drunk to remember what I asked for…. The lab report came in today and a little star seed is growing inside me.


Announcing the coming of our 3rd/4th/5th child. Gosh! Yes, we are crazy and thrilled!


Now it’s not easy to keep this secret or even hide this baby bump any longer. Before you start to assume its beer belly… I want to tell you ‘it’s a baby in the belly!’


We had been working on our new project. Finished product due (month).





Eagerly waiting for the Bae-Bee


When your man says he got it covered but things tear apart. Baby No.1 coming soon for a start.


Are you ready? We are dropping the biggest bomb now… We are adding to our crew. Baby Due Due Due Due (month)


Long story short… When the cupid strikes again, Joey is back in the pouch. Yippee! We are parents-to-be again.


When destiny laughs at you, it hits you hard. It’s three little humans the lab reports are out!


The moment when your firstborn realizes, his/her ‘the only child’ card expires (due month).


We did something crazy and now I missed my periods. I tested positive for two babies on the way.


When you can’t decide to eat first or to pee first. Please welcome me to the club… I’m the mommy-to-be.


I got pregnant on purpose because my friends told me I could eat and sleep anytime, day or night.


We decided to Netflix n Chill this year. But darn! I forgot to pop my pills. Baby Nethill is coming O’dear


We started with two humans. We brought in two more and thought we would stop here. Now it’s two vs two and arguments are always a tie. We needed a tie-breaker. So, we decided to create one more tiny human.


We tried cockblocking … Apparently, it didn’t work. We are Mom and Dad-to-be.


We shared there was a pea in the pod. 

But there’s a twist in the plot…

The lab report just confirmed

There are two in the spot.


Our baby knows how to swim… Baby Shark Due (month)


When two pink lines brought a smile to our face. We decided to share the good news with our beloved family and friends.


My husband took this shit ‘the more the merrier’ kinda seriously. Announcing our Baby #4/5 joining the craziness next year.


We thought we had polished our parenting skills with our two children. But the shit just got real. Our newest edition is coming this year!


We are still figuring out how to stop screwing each other.


Till we can figure out a way to stop surprising ourselves. You can smile thinking we screwed up again!


Ah! I miss wine. Just wondering, if wine misses me too!


We love adding to the chaos. Baby #4/5 is the newest edition. Due (month)


We have a cot and a tiny tot.

It’s time for her/him to vacant her/his spot.

Mom and dad couldn’t stop being naughty.

So there’s a twist in the plot!


Baby #1 was a great adventure. Baby #2 was a sequel to the great adventure. Baby #3 ‘We Are Screwed.’


Sugar and Spice, my baby will be out in months five. Due (month)


I’m stuffed, and still sober, swollen and always hungry. 


From Disneyland to Jurassic park, our three little humans have a crazy spark. We are announcing the newest addition to our crazy home. Baby Dino Due (month)


Two (twins) much for all because two people fell in love.


I wish I had tried my hands at baking cookies rather than making buns in the oven.


We were just being naughty but the shit got real!


Our days of sleepless nights and clean human poop are coming near. Junior Due (month)


When morning sickness comes and knocks you out at midnight. Whether to eat, sleep or pee first when you can’t decide. You’re in for a Big little surprise! 


He just had to come and I am doing all the hard work. He is still coming while I’m at a baby-making factory.


Roses are red, violets are blue. We’re busy shopping for some tiny, little shoes.


Because he didn’t pull out on time… We’ll be busy pushing the carriage 6 months from now.


First came the cupid, then came the nut. Long story short, I’m obsessing over my baby bump.


We are thrilled over our brand new pair of genes. We are parents-to-be.


Chocolates, ice-creams and all things sweet. My cravings are hard to resist.


It’s the best time to pick up fights and arguments, and then blame it on pregnancy hormones!


The buzz is we are busy making bae-bees.


The funniest part of being pregnant is that you are head over heels for the one you still haven’t seen.


Till I became pregnant, I never knew there existed a word called ‘Peezing’ – peeing and sneezing at the same time.


I have learned a valuable lesson during these last few months. At this stage, you don’t have to try hard to control your craving. Just through the damn thing down.


For all the things I don’t want to do… How comforting it is to fake discomfort by placing my hand on my tummy!


We did a thing. So… this happened and I’m egg-specting!


First comes marriage. Then comes the baby in a baby carriage. We’re Expecting!


Approach with Caution… Bump Ahead!


Our Surprise is Twice as Nice.


Baby making is an art. And we have become a pro at it. Announcing our #4. Due next year.


When you stop feeling disgusting for peeing in your pants and still believe everything is awesome. Welcome aboard dear mommy-to-be!


I have a baby brain. And my hormones are driving me crazy. Guess why? We are having Two babies! 


I always thought babies were sweet until I carried my own. And I realized… O baby! Babies are heavy  too!


Dude, I can’t keep calm. There is another baby addition to the clan! Baby #3 Due (month)


I have resigned from my current position of a homemaker. I’m on pre-maternity leave. I need all the sleep I can before the baby is out!


It’s Friday night and I’m still cooking up the baby. Not due until Monday, (due month).


We both would like to welcome you all to the babysitters club. Expecting our first one with no prior experience.


We are going to welcome our first baby in (due month). But we are not sure what to expect when we are expecting!


Do you have kids?… Then you have no right to say that life is hard!


We have overused our parents-to-be card with baby #5 arriving soon on the block


Did you know Pandas spend up to 14 hours a day eating? … What?… Don’t you look at me like that! I’m mamma-to-be, not a panda.


Now you know how much we enjoy creating tiny humans. Baby #4/5/6 next in the row.


Aaaa I’m hungry! No wait, I’m sleepy… Oh no! I can’t decide. Let me eat till I fall asleep. Darn! Being pregnant is exhausting…


Hey diddle, diddle,

Solve this riddle…

 What did daddy and his little swimmer do to mommy’s figure?


Welcoming your new baby can be both exciting and scary. But it sure is still the happiest moment that calls for celebrations with your loved ones. So we thought of making you smile while you surprised your near and dear ones with the big news on social media, with a tinge of humour.

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